Monday, July 18, 2005


Hi there.

This is not the regular FilmChat blog. That blog is here.

When I created my blog a few months ago, I wanted to put it at this URL, but someone had recently claimed it -- and had posted only a few test posts here. So I resigned myself to the other, longer URL.

Today someone told me that this URL was free for the taking again, and suggested that I move my blog over here. But I am reluctant to do that, as it would screw up whatever links people have made to the 250+ items I have posted over the last four months.

So, for now, I'll keep my blog at the other URL and redirect y'all there.

See ya!


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Magnus said...

Huh, I am confused now. You convolutin' varmit you.

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Johnnypeepers said...

Sup Petey? If you a true Christian soldier, why you wearing them Arab rags on your head? Is you doing undercover missionary work in Canada? I know them jokers been infiltrating something fierce up there. If that is the case just delete this - I'll understand why.

At 6:25 PM, Blogger DAN BUCK said...

Hey Peter,

Thanks for the comment on my blog. I decided to delete it and my subsequent replies and close comments, because I really don't want that to kind of debate happening at Unexposed Granite.

However, I'm glad to engage you rearding the issues you brought up.

RE: Distancing. You listed three parties from whom Obama has distanced himself.
1. Muslims
2. Rezko
3. Wright

1. I'm not sure he has distanced himself from Muslims. Except for the fact that he's said he's not one. Which, I don't think he is. In fact, his Berlin Wall speech was especailly inclusive regarding the worldwide muslim population.

2. Rezko - As far as I'm able to determine, and maybe you have more info here. This is a guy who threw money at every chicago politician's campaign and once the curtain was pulled back on him Obama wisely said, "Yipes, not my party!"

3. Wright - It's funny you should mention this one because it's his action here that has most impressed me with the man. He doesn't often take stright-forward party-line, sound bite friendly positions. And this is another example of that. When Wright's incindiary comments first hit the fan, Obama disagreed with those comments, but stood by his pastor as a man. Wright, and another pastor, continued to pour salt into the wound, so ultimately Obama had to make a tough call and withdraw his membership from that church. It was a risky move not stand by him, and it bit him in the butt. But, he was willing to reassess the situation when things turned ugly. Something our current administration can't do. Then on top of all that, Obama had the kahoneys to explain to white America why there might be some racial anger remaining. And he did it tactfully and movingly.

I love the fact that his positions are nuanced. He could make them simple for the millions of simpleton voters, but he refuses. He can change his mind. I don't know where in political history the fear of a flip-flopper made it fatal for people to see things from a fresh perspective, or to admit they were wrong, but apparently Obama hasn't yet caught that disease.

Just my thoughts on those things.

In truth, I don't mind McCain. I think he's a tough, bi-partisan guy. But I'm not as impressed with him as I am with Obama.

Good to hear from you, by the way. I've been scarce on the boards lately, but it was good to see your "face" (Or Alfred E. Newman's) :)


At 10:59 PM, Blogger Peter T Chattaway said...

Hi Dan,

I don't want this blog to get bogged down in political stuff either -- it's only a referral page, after all -- but since you responded:

The main issue that links Rezko and Wright is that Obama acted surprised when their true natures were made known to the public, and his surprised reaction was either convincing (in which case Obama is a naif who shouldn't be handling complicated foreign relations) or unconvincing (in which case Obama is a typically dodgy politician and a bad liar to boot). What's more, Obama's surprised reaction, whether genuine or fake, posed a threat to his insistent claims that he was a regular churchgoing Christian: how could he not have known what sort of church he had been going to all these years?

And no, I was never all that impressed by Obama's so-called "race speech", which was a naked attempt to change the subject to begin with, and has since been discredited by Wright's and Obama's subsequent statements and actions. Between the two Wright controversies, Obama claimed -- on The View, IIRC -- that Wright had apologized for the first controversy, but there was absolutely zero evidence for this claim. And of course, the second Wright controversy exposed how wrong Obama was. So either Obama was deceiving himself, or he was trying to deceive everyone else; either way, it does not speak well for his "judgment" or "character".

As for the Muslim issue, all I can say is that I keep coming across stories about how Obama is trying to repair his relationship with the Muslim community, given how vociferously he has denied the reports about his own Muslim upbringing (at least some of which are true) and the rumours about his continued Muslim affiliation (all of which are false). Obama's efforts to distance himself from those rumours and reports have left many in the Muslim community feeling that Obama has given the impression that there is something wrong with being a Muslim.

As for whether or not your current administration is willing to reassess a situation when things get ugly: Well, Bush did back the surge in the end, just like McCain had been urging him to do -- and apparently things have gotten better! Obama, meanwhile, predicted that the surge would make things worse (again, so much for his "judgment"), and now that things have turned out so well, he continues to insist, for the most stubborn of reasons, that he would still have refused to support the surge. So much for Obama's willingness to "reassess" things.

Good to hear from you, by the way. I hope you can make it back to the boards some day soon!

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Peter. Trying to figure out how to reach out to you. Wanted to discuss a review of Glen Keane's Adam Raccoon children's series. I've seen you mention him many times through the years, so it appears you are a fan.

Go to to learn more.

Thank you!



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